Natural Insect Repellant - Lemon Eucalyptus Oil: The Best and Safest
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Lemon Eucalyptus Oil: Best Natural Insect Repellant

Lemon Eucalyptus Oil: Best Natural Insect Repellant

Lemon Eucalyptus Oil: Best Natural Insect Repellant

No one want to be bitten by mosquitoes or ticks, yet the most common insecticides and repellants can be dangerous too. In fact, it was recently discovered by the Maryland Pesticide Education Network (MPEN), that a common insecticide sprayed in the state of Maryland has been found to contain a toxic “forever chemical” called PFAS. PFAS causes cancer PFAS will never be decomposed or broken down, so once it is in your community, it is there forever. Taking care to avoid these insects is in your best interest, but how can you avoid mosquitos and ticks, and ensure that you are not exposing yourself to toxic chemicals that can harm you and your surroundings?

PFAS in Mosquito Control Pesticides: Uncovered Health Threat
No one want to be bitten by mosquitoes or ticks, yet the most common insecticides and repellants can be dangerous. In fact, it was recently discovered by the Maryland Pesticide Education Network (MPEN), that a common insecticide sprayed in the state of Maryland has been found to contain a toxic “forever chemical” called PFAS. Maryland Pesticides Education Network lab tested Maryland’s mosquito control product used in 2,100 communities and found the product contained 2 unlabeled, toxic PFAS chemicals. Our subsequent report to EPA resulted in their halting use of the product nationally, while spotlighting a new health threat that may affect millions exposed to PFAS in pesticides used in communities and on food. In addition to causing cancer, PFAS exposure is linked to immune system suppression, increased risk for critical care and mortality in Covid-19, as well impairing our ability to mount a protective vaccination response.  PFAS in your body or the environment is there forever.

Taking care to avoid these insects is in your best interest, but how do you avoid mosquitos and ticks, and ensure that you are not exposing yourself to toxic chemicals that can harm you, your family and the ecosystem?

Chemicals to Avoid

Many of the most common mosquito and insect repellants on the market contain toxic chemicals that can cause negative health problems to occur, as well as cause problems in the environment. Common chemicals that can be found in insect repellants are DEET and picaridin which can cause rashes and skin irritation and respiratory conditions and, in some cases, seizures. As well as being toxic to humans, DEET also has been found to have adverse effects on the environment. DEET breaks down slowly in soil, so it is a chemical that will stay around for a while after use. The EPA classifies picaridin, specifically, as having inhalation toxicity and can cause skin and eye irritation.

Better Alternative

To prevent exposure to toxic chemicals, but still protect yourself from insect bites, lemon eucalyptus oil is a great alternative to the other more toxic active ingredients in insect repellants. The CDC finds that repellants containing lemon eucalyptus oil are just as effective at repelling disease carrying insects as repellants containing DEET or picaridin. Beyond Pesticides cites Lemon Eucalyptus Oil as effective for both mosquitoes and ticks. This oil is plant based, so no added or unnecessary chemicals!

Listed below are links to places that you can purchase lemon eucalyptus oil as well as specific brands of lemon eucalyptus oil repellants, so that you can keep you and your loved ones safe from both mosquitoes and chemicals. When shopping for insect repellants, look for ones that contain lemon eucalyptus oil as the active ingredient.

Where to Buy Locally

Check your local health food stores, which stock various brands

MOMS Organic Markets with locations throughout Maryland and beyond

Common Market Co-op with locations in Frederick Co.

Buy Online

Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellant

Can be found at Target, Walmart, REI, and Home Depot and can be purchased on Amazon.

Public Goods Insect Repellant

Can be purchased on Public Goods website and on Amazon.

Murphy’s Naturals Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Insect Repellant

Can be purchased on the Murphy’s Naturals website or on Amazon.